
Late Breaking Poster Submission was possible until July 24, 2024 

Please note that Late Breaking Posters will NOT be published in the journal “Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics”

Submission of Regular Abstracts

To submit an abstract for one of the following contribution types, please click the button below:

  • Poster
  • Short Talk
  • Symposium
Regular abstract submission was possible until May 6, 2024 [extended from April 15th] .

Contribution types

Here you submit an abstract that will be part of the poster presentation.

Here you submit abstracts that are presented in a short talk. The duration of the short talk format is 5-7 minutes (also known as an oral poster presentation).

A scientific symposium consists of 4-5 talks per session. The abstracts must be submitted by the authors via the abstract system using the submission form “Symposium Submission”. In addition to the summarizing abstract for the symposium, the organizer of a symposium must also submit the abstracts of the individual talks. If fewer than five contributions are submitted, the missing number may be completed by the scientific program committee.

Topics of abstract submission

01 Somatoform Disorders, Pain and Functional Syndromes

02 Stressrelated Disorders

03 Mind-Body Interaction (e.g. Psychocardiology, Transplantation Medicine, Psychoneurogastroenterology)

04 Eating and Weight Disorders

05 Anxiety, Trauma and OCD

06 Mood Disorders

07 Psychooncology

08 COVID-19/ Post-/Long-COVID and Fatigue

09 Planetary Health and Climate Change

10 Supervision and Balint Group

11 Gender Medicine and Female Mental Health

12 Psychotherapy Research

13 Fostering Early Career Researchers

14 Health Services Research

15 Prevention and Early Interventions

16 Intercultural Aspects in Psychosomatic Medicine (including Eastern Perspectives on Psychosomatics)

17 Computational Psychosomatics including eHealth and Artificial Intelligence

18 Patient Involvement and Participatory Research

19 Psychophysiology, Psychoneuroendocrinology and -immunology

20 Specialist Therapies (e.g. Art Therapy, Music Therapy)

21 Education and Innovative Teaching Concepts

22 Varia

Submission Guidelines

  • The prerequisite for submitting an abstract is that it represents original work, not previously published and not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • Your submission should be written in English.
  • Your submission should not contain more than 2500 characters (including spaces).
  • You cannot upload any figures/images to your submission.
  • You can add up to 5 keywords to your submission.
  • Please ensure complete listing and correct order of all (co-)authors, correct formatting and grammar.

General rules for abstract submission

  • Abstracts can be submitted for poster presentation, symposium or for short talk. The final decision whether an abstract is accepted as a poster presentation, a symposium or as a short talk, or even rejected, lies with the reviewer and the ICPM 2024 Scientific Programme Committee.
  • All main authors will be informed by email at the appropriate time whether the abstract has been accepted or not.
  • The conference fee must be paid upon acceptance of the abstract. Submitting your abstract does not automatically register you for the conference. Please note that the organizer can refuse to publish a contribution after it has been accepted if no conference registration has been made by the given deadline.


All accepted abstracts (except late breaking posters) of the 27th ICPM World Congress will be published as an online Supplement Issue to the journal “Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics”.
In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
ICPM 2024 Congress Organisation


Important Dates

January 2024
Registration and Abstract Submission open

April 15, 2024
April 28, 2024

Stipend Application Deadline

April 15, 2024
May 06, 2024

Abstract Submission Deadline

May 22, 2024
June 17, 2024

Early Bird Registration Deadline

September 19 – 21, 2024
ICPM 2024
Tübingen, Germany

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